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Service Opportunities at Bethlehem

Young Plant
Sue and Denise
Stained Glass

Children & Youth - teachers, volunteer helpers, Vacation Bible School stalwarts. Your involvement changes lives!

Greeters on Sunday, ushers, readers, and Communion servers. Choose your Sundays!

Altar Guild - Plenty of great people to teach you! Preparing for company for the Lord's Meal.


Coffee Treats and Serving following Worship. Any kind of treats. All kinds.


Wednesday Meals. We have a tradition here of serving suppers on Wednesday. Many hands ... 

Gods Work Our Hands

God's Work. Our Hands. Local Service projects each September in conjunction with ELCA's day of service. It's a little work and a lot of fun!

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Serving Funerals. Coffee, dishwashing, bringing cookies and bars, all mean so much to a grieving family! Here the work of healing begins for so many.


Contribute to the beauty of our Church at Christmastime. What a way to add to the celebration of the season!


The Care Center. Bible Study: Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Worship every second Tuesday. Make a difference!


Quilters! Every one of our students receives their own quilt, made with love and prayer. Join a great group to express yourself! Any skill level is welcome!

Outstretched Arms

Be Inventive! Christian yoga, woodworking with kids, naming constellations in our Dark Skies. Others are waiting for your talent and good ideas!


Office Volunteers are ALWAYS needed. Folding bulletins, filing, copying, so many practical ways to help.

Captains Wheel
Balls of Yarn

Organizational Skills? Apply them to furthering the mission of our Church. Let us know if you feel called to Council.

If you like to sing, this is the place for you! No pressure. And practices are fun. Learn more about how to get involved.

Prayer Shawl Ministry. To encourage and give comfort to those in need. Join us!

Cross and Jesus Fish

Pray for our pastors, our members, our mission, and our future. We depend on those prayers, even from those who are homebound or faraway.

Lace up your boots and join us for a season or an afternoon. We are so deeply appreciative!

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Bethlehem Lutheran Church

417 First Avenue West; P. O. Box 638

Grand Marais, MN 55604, USA


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