High School
About the High School Ministry
The High School Ministry at Bethlehem is for students in grades 9-12. These students have already confirmed their faith and are now contributing members of Bethlehem. We offer periodic gatherings for the High Schoolers throughout the year, have retreats and summer trips, and offer ways to plug our high schoolers into our every day church life.

Cocoa and Paint Night
Sunday, Dec 15th from 3:30-5pm
We'll gather in the Youth Room to sip on Swiss Miss's finest cocoa, and paint some Christmas-themed paintings on personal sized canvasses.

Beach Day
Sunday, January 12th
from 1:00-2:30pm
A beach day in January? That's right! It's the perfect time to break out your surfer shorts, Hawaiian shirts, beach hats and sunglasses and have a beach party. We'll play beach themed games (including a kinetic sand building contest), eat some beach themed treats, and drink some cool Capri Suns.

God's Love
Sunday, February 16th
from 6:30-8pm
The Beatles said it best, "Love, Love, Love." Did you know in the Greek language (the language of the New Testament in the Bible) there are many different words for love? And that they all mean something different? Come to learn more, and to talk about what it means to "Love" today. Wear red or valentines attire, and get ready for a raucous game of "Pin the Arrow on Cupid's Bow." (Heart shaped treats will be provided)