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Brother Martin

John Bragstad

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

You may have your favorite statements by Martin Luther.

Here are a number you may not have read before.

Food for thought or great reminders of the faith in which we stand.

Every week I preach justification by faith to my people, because every week they forget it.

When Satan tells me I am a sinner the Devil comforts

me immeasurably, since Christ died for sinners.

May a merciful God preserve me from a Christian Church in which everyone is a saint! I want to be and remain in the church and little flock of the fainthearted, the feeble and the ailing, who feel and recognize the wretchedness of their sins, who sigh and cry to God incessantly for comfort and help, who believe in the forgiveness of sins.

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go

to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.

The most damnable and pernicious heresy was the idea that somehow (we) could make (ourselves) good enough to deserve to live with an all-holy God.

In a word, the Holy Scripture is the highest and best of books, abounding in comfort under all afflictions and trials. It teaches us to see, to feel, to grasp, and to comprehend faith, hope, and charity, far otherwise than mere human reason can; and while evil oppresses us, it teaches how these virtues throw light upon the darkness, and how, after this poor, miserable existence of ours on earth, there is another and an eternal life.

The sin underneath all our sins is to trust the lie of the serpent

that we cannot trust the love and grace of Christ and

must take matters into our own hands.

The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.

All taken from


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